Both our internal Mombasa impact study conducted between April-December 2022 and the ongoing one-year randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted by EdTech Hub are showing significant learning impacts. Mid-line RCT results indicate EIDU learners saw a 0.43SD total uplift in learning outcomes*. End-line results are expected in January 2024, with the subsequent publication later in the year.
Impact and data are our obsession. Click here for a glimpse of the potential of the EIDU learning platform.
active learners using EIDU’s platform on a regular basis *
Average score gain by EIDU schools while control schools gained 11.2% *
8 extra months
schooling time gained by EIDU learners per year
Top 10%
EIDU’s ranking amongst education interventions measured in the low- and middle-income country context *
8 extra months
schooling time gained by EIDU learners per year *
learners reaching minimum proficiency in literacy and numeracy *
active learners using EIDU’s platform on a regular basis*
Top 10%
EIDU’s ranking amongst education interventions measured in the low- and middle-income country context *
* Source: Midline RCT results provided by EdTech Hub in June 2023. Final results to be reported after endline assessment in Q1 2024. For more details visit EdTech Hub’s article.